Tag: Anabaptism

How the Kingdom of Heaven Changes Everything

What the Bible says about war. How the Kingdom of Heaven changes everything. “My kingdom is not of this world: if my kingdom were of this world, then would my servants fight, that I should not be delivered to the Jews: but now is my kingdom not from hence.” Matthew 18:36

Soul Song 2: Indodana

How to confess your sins: The song “Indodana” cleansed me to the core: it called me to repent, to weep for the wrong I have done to my Saviour, to lament for the ways we God’s people have strayed from and betrayed the Lamb of God.

Love Your Enemies

How to Love Your Enemies: The painting hung on the little piece of wall between the hall into the high school wing and the staff room. I’d see it as I rushed out of the bathroom, pigtails swinging, hands clean for lunch. It told a story that I knew before I ever went to school. “Whosoever shall lose his life for Christ’s sake and the gospel’s, the same shall save it.”

Accept Authority as a God-given Grace I

What caused the hippies to believe bucking authority would bring world peace? What caused my grandparents to conform to a sedate, self-sacrificing way of life under the authority of an ordinary man they called “bishop”? They grew up in the same generation after all.

Serve the Community & Let the Community Serve You

Tapioca pudding and serving the community? I’ll connect the two eventually.