Tag: missions

Your Story

“Story” has become some sort of buzzword. You can Instagram your story, at least flickers of the highlights. You can buy a copy of The Story, a version of the Bible sold by Zondervan that tells the “continuing story of God and his people.” As postmodern… Continue Reading “Your Story”

She Worships

The third part of the “Toronto Trilogy” She Worships …raising her hands above her creamy coffee-toned skin and tight, dark curls. …closing her eyes and singing along with the praise song. …leaning against the sprightly, accountant-type, balding husband of hers. He Worships …joining our… Continue Reading “She Worships”

Faith or Stupidity

Back an Alley My first significant encounter with the paradox of faith or stupidity came back an alley in the middle of the city.  I was fifteen.  My youth group had driven in minivans into the city and back the alley.  We were going… Continue Reading “Faith or Stupidity”

Not Kneaded

When I was small, My mommy would make our daily bread, Her loaves were round-topped Golden, delicious softness. But still, I liked it better to make my own, She gave a lump of dough, Showed how to sprinkle flour, Formed her large loaf. I… Continue Reading “Not Kneaded”

Give Me This City

Written October 2015 I step outside the school, under a soot-shaded sky seeping rain. I hear sirens for the third or fourth time today. I am unsettled but not scared. I haven’t broken the law; so, the sirens are not coming for me. They… Continue Reading “Give Me This City”