Tag: poetry

For the One on the Verge of a Dream Being Realised: A Liturgy

That bend before you, in all its delicious possibility, Still holds the fear of not being what you imagined. That dream you clutch, Like a road map into the great unknown, Lacks topography, Clouds in obscurity, The friends who’ll walk this road with you.… Continue Reading “For the One on the Verge of a Dream Being Realised: A Liturgy”

Spoken Word (Psst! You Can Listen or Read)

Feeling risky, I decided to get my Grade 8 writing class to write spoken word poetry, except I barely knew how to describe spoken word poetry. I played various samples for them and recited one of my own. I asked a couple friends who… Continue Reading “Spoken Word (Psst! You Can Listen or Read)”

Palm Sunday

Child’s play: recognizing the King.

Expecting Sunday

Weekday morning, sitting in my row, Sun warming wood to a burnished glow, Soft and silent this sanctuary here, Waiting, expecting Sunday. Weekday, morning, I must sit still, Listening to the Father, if I’d do His will, Stopping to be silent and sanctuary here,… Continue Reading “Expecting Sunday”

Morning Prayer

A little prayer of gratitude for the morning