Tag: writing

Living a Bestseller (Why You Don’t Actually Want to & Why We Honour the Ones Who Did)

I hope you read every word, but if you’re short on time, read all the one sentence paragraphs. They carry an article all their own.

To Write or Not to Write

Four reasons to quit writing and why I still do.

Yes, I’m Mennonite, and Why That’s Not the Point

This post comes out of a commitment I made to myself shortly after I started this blog. But to understand why, I need to tell you the beginning. I had sought to publish some short articles through Mennonite publications, but the lists of prerequisites… Continue Reading “Yes, I’m Mennonite, and Why That’s Not the Point”

Fragments of One Mind

How Job, Dorthy Sayers, Jeremiah, and I are all but fragments of One.

Defined by God Alone

I still don’t know him real well and probably never will.  He was a friend of my cousins at one time, he traveled as a hobby to do short term missions, and ended up marrying my co-teachers sister.  I sang with him at a… Continue Reading “Defined by God Alone”