Tag: Prayer

An Anne Letter

Why an Anne letter? There are several reasons. First, it has occurred to me that when I meet people who read my blog, they really have no idea what my life consists of, which is okay; but when one writes for The Public, there… Continue Reading “An Anne Letter”

For All the Children I Have Ever Loved

From my car mirror hangs a rainbow string of plastic beads, A rosary that I take in hand and say the words, “For all the children I have ever loved.” Sometimes, there are more words. Other times, there are not. For I have loved… Continue Reading “For All the Children I Have Ever Loved”

I Would Trust You

I have few words for the public these days. There are to many things to sort out in the raw with safe people and my Jesus. Still, there’s this simple song that I was given this summer. Here are the words. I would trust… Continue Reading “I Would Trust You”

Soul Song 5: Spirit of God Descend upon My Heart

How does the Holy Spirit work? Sunday was Pentecost, the day set aside to remember the coming of the Holy Spirit. Did we even notice? In the day-to-day ordinary of forking down eggs and jotting down plans and building up a life, God’s Spirit remains unseen.

Soul Song 2: Indodana

How to confess your sins: The song “Indodana” cleansed me to the core: it called me to repent, to weep for the wrong I have done to my Saviour, to lament for the ways we God’s people have strayed from and betrayed the Lamb of God.