Tag: culture


Music symbolizes the cultures that shaped me–my coming of age can be told in eight tracks.

215 Is too Many: Confessions and Questions of a White Canadian Mennonite

How should Christians respond to the tragedy of residential schools?

Keep Sacred Things Sacred

See, little sister had pure white socks with a frill of lace that folded down neatly at the ankles. Mine were plain white, except the time in my fifth year when Mom couldn’t find white my size. Instead, she bought a pale lavender pair with sprigs of the tiniest rose buds ringing the top. Those Sunday socks delighted me. Unwittingly, they taught me something about the sacred.

Values My Culture Taught Me

Being part of a sub-culture, I’ve often taken much for granted. I see my grandparents several times a year. I sew my own clothes. I know how to change a diaper, scald peaches for canning, plant seeds in season, and sing both lead and… Continue Reading “Values My Culture Taught Me”

White Is a Colour: Confessions & Questions of a White Canadian Mennonite

paintbrushes dipped in a rainbow of colours on a white plate

A heart-searching, thought-provoking look at race and the prejudices that arise because of colour.